Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thanks for the Donation to Newborns In Need!

I have been green with recycling since college. I never thought it impacted my kids, Alex(10) and Nate (5) until we were at the commissary (military grocery store) on Sunday and the cashier asked "paper or plastic." Before I could reply Alex said,"Mom, neither is good for the environment. Paper kills trees and plastic is a toxin to the earth." I was so proud of him and am am glad that although he sighs about dropping of the recyclables, maybe my greenness is influencing him for the good.

Well, I went out today and did buy a couple of Target bags. I then thought I would check online to see if anyone offered them FREE or at a discounted price. It's surprised that companies like Target and Walmart wouldn't GIVE them away as it's good for the earth and it's FREE advertising! I was so happy to see that you make these incredible bags and you give them out FREE!

I will send a check to your wonderful cause. I would rather help out with a cause than just give money to a corporation and then walk around advertising their store that gives out plastic bags.

God bless,

Jennifer H